Registrar (Post Graduate) In Sikkim University Recruitment
Recruitment For: Registrar (Post Graduate)
Minimum Salary: Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date: 20/12/2019
Address: 6th Mile, Samdur, P.O. TADONG, SIKKIM , GANGTOK 737102
Qualification: a) A Master’s degree with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in any subject from any university recognized by the UGC. b) At least 15 years’ experience as Assistant Professor in a central university or in equivalent grade of which at least 8 years shall be in Associate Professor’s grade and experience in educational administration. Or Comparable experience in establishments and other institutions of higher education. Or 15 years of administrative experience of which 8 years as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post.
How To Apply For Sikkim University Vacancy: Interested candidates may apply online through the University website on or before 20.12.2019.
General Instructions: 1) The University reserves the right to: (a) Draw reserve panel(s) against the possible vacancies in the future. (c) Relax any of the qualifications/experience/age at its discretion in the interest of the University; and (d) Not-to fill up any or all the advertised posts on regular basis. 2) Persons already in regular service should produce NOC from their departments at the time of interview. 3) Relaxations to SCs/STs/OBCs/PWDs and other relaxations as prescribed in R&P Rules and GoI rules. 4) No TA will be paid for written examination/skill test.
Job Type: OTHER
Job Details: Official Website Document
Recruitment For: Registrar (Post Graduate)
Minimum Salary: Please check with the concern authority or website
Last Date: 20/12/2019
Address: 6th Mile, Samdur, P.O. TADONG, SIKKIM , GANGTOK 737102
Qualification: a) A Master’s degree with at least 55% marks or its equivalent in any subject from any university recognized by the UGC. b) At least 15 years’ experience as Assistant Professor in a central university or in equivalent grade of which at least 8 years shall be in Associate Professor’s grade and experience in educational administration. Or Comparable experience in establishments and other institutions of higher education. Or 15 years of administrative experience of which 8 years as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post.

General Instructions: 1) The University reserves the right to: (a) Draw reserve panel(s) against the possible vacancies in the future. (c) Relax any of the qualifications/experience/age at its discretion in the interest of the University; and (d) Not-to fill up any or all the advertised posts on regular basis. 2) Persons already in regular service should produce NOC from their departments at the time of interview. 3) Relaxations to SCs/STs/OBCs/PWDs and other relaxations as prescribed in R&P Rules and GoI rules. 4) No TA will be paid for written examination/skill test.
Job Type: OTHER
Job Details: Official Website Document