Professor (Ph.D.) In Ravenshaw University - सरकारी नौकरी, Sarkari Naukri,Government Jobs india-Website about all Sarkari Jobs

Professor (Ph.D.) In Ravenshaw University

Professor (Ph.D.) In Ravenshaw University Recruitment

Recruitment For: Professor (Ph.D.)
Minimum Salary: 144200
Last Date: 10/02/2020
Address: Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha  753003

Pay Scale: Pay Band 14; Rs 1,44,200/= - Rs 2,18,200/= Eligibility (A or B)
Eligibility Criteria: i. An eminent scholar having a Ph.D. degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with, a minimum of 10
research publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals and a total research score of 120 as per the criteria given in Appendix II, Table 2 of UGC regulation on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in universities and colleges and measures for maintenance of standards in higher education-2018. ii. A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/college as Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor, and/or research experience at equivalent level at the University/National Level Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidate. OR B. An outstanding professional, having a Ph.D. degree in the relevant/allied/applied disciplines, from any academic institutions (not included in A above)/industry, who has made significant contribution to the knowledge in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, supported by documentary evidence provided he/she has ten years’ experience.
How To Apply For Ravenshaw University Vacancy: Applications submitted online within due date only shall be entertained. Last date for receipt of application on line is 5.00 PM (IST) of 10th February 2020. However, prior to submission of the online application, a candidate is required to register by paying the requisite application fee on or before 5th February 2020 as the online transaction will be stopped at 11.59 PM (IST) on 5th February 2020. A printout of the submitted application (7 copies) and one set of enclosures need to be submitted to the Registrar, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack 753003 by Speed Post/ Registered Post (by international courier for candidates staying abroad) on or before 18th February 2020. Application submitted manually by hand will not be accepted. Application received beyond the last date by or in any other mode will not be entertained.
General Instructions: All the teaching posts involve conducting/guiding /directing research / consultancy and other duties to be assigned by the authority in addition to teaching. The number of posts can be increased or decreased as per need at the time of selection. The eligibility shall be strictly on the basis of UGC regulations 2018 (see the link provided with this advertisement). Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate to be called for interview. Candidates must ensure, before submitting the application, that they are eligible according to the criteria stipulated in this advertisement. If the candidate is found ineligible at any stage of recruitment process, she/he will be disqualified and her/his candidature will be cancelled without assigning any reason. The time taken by candidates to acquire M. Phil and/or Ph. D. degree shall not be considered as teaching/research experience to be claimed for appointment to the teaching positions. Further the period of active service spent on pursuing research degree simultaneously with teaching assignment without taking any kind of leave, shall be counted as teaching experience. The prescribed application can be filled up online at Ravenshaw University website The filled-in application form signed by the candidates must be submitted along with a non-refundable fee of Rs.2000/- (Rs.1000 for ST, SC and Women; US $ 100 for applicants submitting application from outside the country) online. No fee is required for PWD Candidates.
Job Type: OTHER
Job Details: Official Website Document

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